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Spindle Repair in The Aerospace Industry

If one were to compare the aerospace industry of today to what it was in the early 1900’s, they would note that, aside from planes still having wings, the two are unrecognizable. Like most industries, the aerospace and defense sectors have experienced multiple revolutions as a result of technological advancements. Despite the introduction of transformative technologies and relative progress, aerospace manufacturers are racing to keep pace with increasing consumer demand.

Industry Outlook 2018

At a glance, the aerospace industry’s outlook is positive for 2018. Aircraft deliveries are projected to increase by 9% and production output is continuing to grow year after year. When also considering the industry’s current low interest rates, moderate fuel prices, significant international demand, and growth in airline traffic, it is expected that the industry will remain strong throughout the remainder of the year.

Production Concerns

Despite making technological strides and increasing production by 40% since 2011, aerospace companies are continually adding to their already substantial backlogs. For example, although Boeing delivered 763 aircrafts in 2017, their current backlog totals 5,864 planes, or in other words, seven years of production. Experts have attributed this buildup to the complexity of the industry’s supply chain and inefficiency of current production machines.

Smart Manufacturing

To combat production shortcomings, aerospace companies are beginning to introduce smart manufacturing to their processes to improve efficiency and reduce backlogs. In fact, 62% of all aerospace manufacturers reported having some type of smart manufacturing initiative in place in March of 2017; a greater adoption percentage than any other industry. As a result of IoT and AI, the utilization of smart sensors and simulation programs have proven to strengthen supply chain communication and optimize part performance. While these technological improvements have had a positive impact on aerospace manufacturing by increasing deliveries, backlog totals continue to climb.

In an industry susceptible to backlog buildup and delayed deliveries, it is imperative that aerospace manufacturers operate at peak efficiency by ensuring that machines undergo routine spindle maintenance and repairs. Avoid costly downtime and maximize your production by contacting the industry professionals at GTI Spindle Technology and learn how your aerospace manufacturing operations can benefit from our spindle services.

About GTI Spindle Technology

At GTI Spindle Technology, we specialize in high quality spindle diagnosis and repair. Getting your business back into full operation and minimizing downtime is our mission. We offer in-house, on-site, and emergency assistance for machine tool spindle failure analysis, spindle repair, and complete spindle testing. With an extensive range and expertise in a diverse group of industries, our customers know that they are getting the highest quality of spindle repair and customer service. Click here to find out more.