How to Prevent Spindle Failure

In high-end manufacturing, any machine tool with moving parts will inevitably need to be repaired or replaced. If the machine is improperly maintained, usage over time can cause wear in to critical components. Damaged spindles negatively affect machine performance and can hinder other key systems. It’s essential to catch spindle wear and damage early and […]

Why High-Quality Spindle Repair is Essential to CNC Manufacturers

Computer numerical control (CNC) machines are used extensively in manufacturing to automate many processes that would otherwise be performed manually. As a result, CNC driven machines increase productivity, reduce waste, and even minimize the risk of human error. However, due to the high degree of precision that CNC machines achieve, every piece of the equipment […]

How to Prevent Spindle Bearing Failure

Anyone that operates high-capacity manufacturing spindles understands that spindle bearing health is critical to the successful operation of a machine. As bearings wear and deteriorate, the performance of the spindle will suffer. If the problem isn’t corrected, then total failure is inevitable. Common causes of bearing failure include poor storage and handling, contamination, overload, incorrect […]

Train Your Staff in Proper Spindle Maintenance

For years many maintenance technicians would wait until a spindle seized completely before taking action, and some would only find out a spindle is failing when the QA department decided to scrap the previous production run due to manufacturing defects. This kind of reactive maintenance approach can cost valuable time and tens of thousands of […]

How Routine Spindle Maintenance Saves Manufacturers Money

Unplanned downtime is universally agreed to be the kiss of death in manufacturing. When machines aren’t running, operating costs rise and revenue plummets. Many things can cause downtime, but machine breakdowns are often the most expensive. Most companies have experienced at least one incident of unplanned downtime in the past three years, which can cost […]

How to Prevent Drive Motor and Ball Screw Failure with GTI

Unplanned manufacturing downtime is almost always the result of machine failure. Highly expensive, it’s imperative that manufacturers quickly identify the source of the failure and make necessary repairs to keep costs low and minimize the effects of delayed production schedules. By understanding various types of spindle failures and what causes them, manufacturers will be better […]

GTI Spindle North America Locations

[videoframes src=”” skin=”1″ headline_color=”#000000″ headline_size=”11″]   At GTI, we love the opportunity to meet with people all over the country that have benefitted from our services. It reminds us of how much we have grown. And it gives us the opportunity to hear directly from the customer. Whether you’re in Illinois, North Carolina, Texas, our home […]

What Population Growth & Renewable Energy Mean for Construction Companies

As the world population continues to grow, so does the demand for new and accommodating infrastructure. Coupled with projected industry growth, construction companies and equipment manufacturers will need to ensure they can handle the influx of projects as younger generations enter the housing market and renewable energy segments become a major focus. Population Growth While […]

3 Common Types of Spindle Failures & How GTI Can Help

In manufacturing, timing is everything. Each phase of production must work in concert with the one before and after to ensure schedules are kept and impending deadlines are met. While technological advancements continue to enhance production capabilities by streamlining processes, machine failures and production halts remain prevalent, jeopardizing manufacturing timetables and directly affecting the bottom […]

Automotive Industry Trends in 2018

A lot has changed in the century since Henry Ford introduced his revolutionary quadricycle and launched Ford Motor Company. While the once-novel Model T was produced on crude assembly lines, modern technological advancements have enabled mass production of today’s most futuristic vehicles. A true representation of shifting consumer preferences and production capabilities, the automotive industry […]