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An Update on iOS 7 and Our Apps

We have discovered some bugs with our apps in iOS 7. Please do not update if these features are important to you.

1. Text: The text icon in the spectrum screen allows you to add custom text to the spectrum view.
2. Threshold Line is also not functional.
The upcoming VibePro 6 will be released in late October and is fully iOS 7 compatible. It will include those two features and many more including a more powerful route workflow and in-app trending.

iRotorBalancer and iVibraMeter:
Both of these apps have the same bug found in the Report Manager. The ability to add a new plant is not functional. New machines can be added to existing plants and data can be saved. But, new plants cannot be created. We are working on a fix for these apps, but it will take some time as Apple requires the entire app to be rewritten for iOS 7.
The apps are otherwise perfectly functional.

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding iOS 7 and our apps.