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Drawbar Repair

Spindle Drawbar Repair Handled By Industry Experts

We test and repair broken drawbars to get your spindle running like new again

Our spindle drawbar repair service is among the best in the industry. If your spindle’s drawbar isn’t working properly, then you are in danger of running into other spindle failures. Once the drawbar goes, it can lead to other breaks. On the flip side, your drawbar could have broken due to another part of your spindle failing. This is why it is so important to get repairs as soon as you suspect a problem. At GTI Spindle, we handle all types of spindle repairs and various makes and models.

The purpose of a drawbar is to hold a spindle’s toolholder in place. When the drawbar loses its grip on the toolholder, other problems are bound to happen. One of the signs of this is chatter. When the drawbar is no longer holding the toolholder in place firmly, the tool is bound to cause chatter. Often, chatter will lead to fretting, as will spindle contamination.

Fretting corrosion can usually be easily spotted. If you notice that your spindle’s surface is deteriorating, this is a sign of fretting, and fretting is often a sign of drawbar failure. This is why it is important to examine your spindle regularly.

So what causes a drawbar to break? It could be due to spring failure, but it also could be due to wear over time. Drawbar failures can also be linked to problems with actuators, dogs, gripper arms, and a host of other components.

To repair your drawbar, we will actuate it to ensure it clamps and unclamps properly. We then test each drawbar with retention gauges to verify they have the correct pull force (CAT, BT, HSK, BIG, PLUS, etc.) Our lead times are the most aggressive in the industry. Our trained technicians have extensive testing procedures that ensure you experience the highest quality repair in the industry.

For spindle drawbar repair, we are the experts to call. We understand that companies are not created equally and require different needs. We will work with you to determine your exact needs. We repair many different spindle makes and models including Kessler, Mori Seiki, OKK, Okuma, Mazak, Gamfior, and more. Call GTI Spindle today at 888-473-9675. 

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