Sun Tool Spindle Repair
High Speed Precision Repairs on All Sun Tool Spindles
A Sun Tool spindle rebuild is an economical and timely solution if your spindle fails or is failing. There are some spindles that come in for a quick repair, like a taper grind or standard bearing replacement; however, more often than not, a number of components may need to be replaced to ensure that your spindle goes back into production and stays there. You might be thinking about getting a replacement, but the good news is that we can rebuild your spindle at the fraction of the cost and time it would take to get a new one from the OEM.
After we do our initial diagnostics and inspect all the parts we can determine if a simple repair will get you back up and running or if we need to do a more thorough spindle rebuild.
Spindles tend to fail because they are exposed to contaminants, due to poor environments or problems with seals. We check and replace seals and bearings as a standard part of our spindle rebuild process. We offer engineered sealing solutions to prevent repeat premature failures and increase spindle longevity.
The other culprit of Sun Tool spindle problems is a lack of lubrication. We offer lubrication solutions as well as on site assistance to diagnose and correct any lubrication problems that may exist on the machine tool.
Once we’ve rebuilt your spindle we test it over and over to make sure all specifications meet our impeccably high standards. Once we are satisfied that your Sun Tool spindle is as good as new, we pack it up and send it back to your floor.
The truth is that a new spindle is an expensive investment and can have significant delivery time. There is an excellent chance that your damaged spindle can be rebuilt to run as efficiently as it did on its first day on the job.
We’ve done so many Sun Tool spindle rebuilds over the years, we can usually give you a quick and accurate approximation of how long the rebuild will take and how much it will cost to get your machine back into production. Give us a call for an estimate at 888-473-9675 or reach out to us using our quote form.
Your Sun Tool spindle will come with a complete service report with valuable information; including what services we performed and what parts we replaced. Also included is a complete vibration analysis report. We keep this information in our database for future reference.
Our Sun Tool spindle repair and spindle rebuilds come with a one year warranty. This warranty starts from the day of installation on the machine, not the day of shipment like many of our competitors. Call us to arrange your Sun Tool spindle repair and to get your spindle back into production. Toll free: 888-473-9675 GTI Spindle Technology.