Rigid Spindle Repair

Precision Remanufacturing of All Rigid spindles

Rigid Spindle repair is at the heart of our business. We have the expertise and in-house technology to get your problem resolved. Our thorough procedures for machine tool spindle failure analysis, spindle calibration, and spindle testing are just a few of the reasons why we are one of the largest spindle repair specialists in the country. Our primary goal is to reduce your down time and return to you a spindle that runs better than it did when it was new.

Here are the steps we take to get your spindle back to work:

Rigid Spindle Rebuild Services

Step 1: Contact Us

Anytime. We have someone (yes, a person) taking customer calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. AND we pick up and deliver. We have three state-of-the-art facilities located in the U.S., so you can save on shipping time and cost. OR in some cases we can come to your site and do the Rigid spindle repair at your location.

Step 2: Receiving

When your Rigid spindle arrives at our facility we log it in and create a work order. This way we can track its progress throughout the repair process. Then comes a visual inspection as we look for any obvious signs of damage or other factors that often lead to spindle failure. Our trained technicians have been repairing spindles for years and know how to look for the most common indications of malfunction as well as those that are uncommon. We also do a preliminary vibration analysis so we can make an initial diagnosis before disassembly.

Step 3: Disassembly

The inspection process continues as we disassemble the spindle, carefully looking for signs of contamination, lack of lubrication, support equipment failure, misuse, or anything unusual.

Step 4: Cleaning

Then we start cleaning the disassembled parts and check for other signs of why the spindle failed or issues that could lead to premature failure.

Step 5: Inspection

We do a number of tests to see how the Rigid spindle compares to the OEM specs. We check the run out, alignment, optimal tolerance levels for housing bores as well as shaft journals and parallelism. We want to get at the origin of the failure so we can get it fixed right and give you guidance on how to circumvent future spindle issues. All of this information is written up in detail to help you take steps to avoid future spindle failures that can lead to down time and loss of productivity.

Bearing contamination is a common cause for spindle failure. We inspect the bearings for preload, contamination, overloading, fretting and overheating. We’ll make a recommendation for replacing your bearings so you can extend spindle life and get better performance from it.

Step 6: Machining

If we need to manufacture new Rigid spindle components to replace one that is broken or damaged beyond repair, then we can do that in our on-site machine shop. Having in-house machining capability means we can manufacture replacement spindle parts without having to rely on the OEM. This saves valuable time and saves you money.

Step 7: Grinding

We also do our own in-house grinding and have a climate controlled area where we can grind to precision run outs. We hold tolerances of 0.0001 or better.

Step 8: Balancing

The next step is to get the balance right. We use our state of the art balancing technology, developed by GTI Predictive Technology, to 2 stage balance all spindles that we rebuild. We will component balance and then perform final trim balance at maximum RPM to achieve the lowest unbalance and vibration levels possible.

Step 9: Reassembling

We put it all back together with new bearings, seals, o-rings, spacers, belleville washers and any other reworked components. To prevent contamination we do all of this in our controlled assembly area.

Step 10: Testing

Now that it’s put back together we test, test, test it. We test it for runout, temperature, and vibration. We do this work in increments, increasing RPM from 0 to the maximum RPM to insure the spindle is properly broken in. We will then continue to test run at maximum RPM until we feel confident that your Rigid spindle is performing optimally—which is often better than when it was new. Final vibration test will read at .0395 over all velocity and the displacement specs will meet the recommended ISO grade scale.

Step 11: Final QC

Every Rigid spindle that we rebuild is then put through a redundant final QC process by an independent QC audit technician to insure that all of our rebuild processes and specifications have been achieved or exceeded.

Step 12: Return Shipping

We paint and pack your newly repaired spindle in non-corrosive packing material and encase it in foam. It gets shipped to you either in a heavy duty shipping box or, if it’s a large spindle, we custom build a wooden crate with custom support brackets to ensure its safe return to your facility. When you unpack your Rigid spindle you’ll not only be pleased with how it looks but you’ll be amazed at how well it performs.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Our Rigid spindle repair service will give you a spindle that will return to the floor as good as new. We offer one year warranty after every repair and re manufacturing. Call us at 888.473.9675 or you can mail us at info@gtispindle.com for an estimate on time and cost.